Making Our Future: Why Values Matter

About This Course

Duration: 4 Hours


Discover the power of preference and the aspects of diversity in each of us, and open to the possibilities available in every moment. With behavior analysis, positive psychology, and mindfulness, we explore new tools to invite our awareness and presence and explore ourselves with courage.

Answer questions:

  • What do I know and not know about myself?
  • What am I aware of in terms of my personality, beliefs, values and behavior patterns?
  • What choices do I make and what forces affect my choices?
  • How can I turn my life from “things are fine” to “it’s going great”?


Join us for 4 hours of mindfulness, positive psychology, and behavior analysis delivered by Rola El-Annan, M. Ed, BCBA. Examine who you are as a person, experience personal growth and learn tools for self-management.

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